Lee Anderson drove the #56 to an early exit at the 2006 Main Event.

Joe Bush's #101 on jacks in the pits at the Main Event.

The #9 super late of Rick Sexton in the pits at Columbus Motor Speedway.

Ryan Tedesco #70 awaits the last chance race for the Main Event.

The #77 of the eventual Main Event winner Brian Campbell.
Nice to see someone posting photos of the Ohio-Mich Outlaws.I've been looking for years for pics iof these cars.I dotwo photo sites and a forum and would love to be connected with your site.Anything you could send me like pics,results etc...of these cars would be welcome.I'm in Ontario and follow our Outlaws http://www.oscaar.ca/ around the province but can't make it to the Main Event Racing Series etc...events.Maybe we couls exchange photos throughout the season.You and your visitors can check out my sites at http://photobucket.com/albums/e154/RACEGOD2/ http://photobucket.com/albums/y209/RACEGOD/ and my forum is http://racegod.proboards99.com/index.cgi#general/ Anybody can post results etc... on the forum and e-mail photos to me at HANLEY72@GMAIL.COM :)
Sure no problem, keep in contact with me. I had alot more pics but computer problems "ate them up". Talk to you later.
Will do,thanks.
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